Friday, December 10, 2010

Iranian New Art

Iranian New Art is a network of women from Iran who "work together to make large scale art work in [the] environment." They use materials found in nature, such as leaves or moss, to create dynamic textiles to promote awareness of ecological issues in Iran.

From the Textile Arts Center's Blog:
Their projects to date have included crocheted wool and spun fiber installed as webbing in vacant Persian interiors, dense forests, and as organically generated diagrams on remote island coasts and desert salt flats. These site-specific creations seem to transcend the boundaries of ‘women’s work’ with their haunting outlines and schemes for ethereal but very convincing activism.
(آسمان هفتم(هفتاد هزار پرده  Image courtesy of
"فرش" خزه  Image courtesy of

"فرش"برگهای سوزنی کاج  Image courtesy of
"چهل تیکه" برگهای رنگی  Image courtesy of

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