Friday, December 17, 2010

Non-Sign II

Non-Sign II. Image courtesy of Flavorwire

Lead Pencil Studio is a firm based in Seattle, Washington, created by Annie Han and Daniel Mihalyo. They constantly blur the line between architecture and art and Non-Sign II is yet another manifestation of this blending. 

Non-Sign II is a billboard, or a non-billboard, really. It is located near the border of the United States and Canada and was commissioned by the US Government. "The billboard-shaped void contrasts with the omnipresent advertising hoardings of the surrounding area, inviting viewers to concentrate instead on the natural beauty of the landscape." 
Non-Sign II. Image courtesy of Flavorwire

Although the Non-Sign II would not traditionally be considered a work of craft, it embodies craft through its' technique of woven strands of steel. It is interesting how the purpose of the project was to focus the viewers' eye on the natural landscape, rather than a sign selling a product or service. The act of using the woven texture, which historically is linked to folk art and an "earthy" art form with natural fibers, evokes an appreciation of the landscape. Yet with the introduction of man-made steel as the fiber that serves as the lens to view the landscape provides a contradictory yet visually stunning approach. Perhaps Lead Point Studio was aware of this ironic juxtaposition, or perhaps they just wanted to create a shocking commentary on our attention spans and consumerism.

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